1) Remove or disable any previous version of MinGW

If you have previously used MinGW to compile RPCEmu using the Allegro libraries disable this version. This can be as simple as renaming C:\MinGW to C:\MinGW.old-allegro-version

2) Install MinGW C compiler and Qt5 libraries

This is a combined download of the Qt5 libraries and MinGW compiler files.

Visit https://download.qt.io/new_archive/qt/5.9/5.9.8/ and download qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.9.8.exe

Run the installer, feel free to skip the Qt Account suggestions. The default suggested of path for Qt of C:\Qt\Qt5.9.8 is fine. On the component selection, select MinGW 5.3.0 32 bit under the the Qt 5.9.8 section.

3) Update command path

You may want to use Qt's command line program 'Qt 5.9.8 (MinGW 5.3.0 32 bit)', alternatively you can add the relevant Qt and MinGW directories to you systems 'Path' variable and run from any cmd.exe or powershell command prompt.

Add the following two entires to 'Path' in Control Panel->System->Advanced Properties->Environment Variables->Path

3) Compile RPCEmu

From windows command line

cd rpcemu\src\qt5

To compile the Recompiler version of RPCEmu, edit rpcemu\src\qt5\rpcemu.pro and add 'dynarec' to the CONFIG line at the top of the file, then rerun mingw32-make.

4) Running RPCEmu

If when running RPCEmu binary you get an error along the lines of 'The procedure entry point __cxa_throw_bad_array_new_length could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Qt\Qt5.9.8\5.9.8\mingw53_32\bin\Qt5Core.dll'. Then please try the following, which will place the QT DLLs required in the binaries directory.

cd rpcemu
windeployqt .