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!Alarm !Calc !Chars !Configure !Draw !Edit !Help !NCFresco !NCKeyboard !NCWriter !Paint !SoundPlay !Watchdog AcornURI ADFS ADFSFiler ADFSUtils AIF AppleTalk AppPatcher ARM ARM3Support ARMBasicEditor ATAPI AUNMsgs BASIC BASIC64 BASICTrans BASICVFP BatMgr BBCEconet BCMSound BCMSupport BCMVideo BlendTable BootCommands BootFX BootNet BroadcastLoader BufferManager CacheFS CallASWI CatchErr CDFS CDFSdriver CDFSFiler CDFSResources CDFSSoftATAPI CDFSSoftATAPISimtec CDFSSoftChinonEESOX CDFSSoftHitachiEESOX CDFSSoftPhilipsEESOX CDFSSoftSCSI CDFSSoftSCSI2 CDFSSoftSonyEESOX CDFSSoftToshibaEESOX CDManager CFrontDemangler ClipboardHolder ClipHolder CLIV CMOSreset ColourDbox ColourMap ColourMenu ColourPicker ColourTrans CompressJPEG Conversions ConvertBMP ConvertClear ConvertGIF ConvertICO ConvertPCX ConvertPNG ConvertPNM ConvertSprite ConvertSun ConvertXBM DCS DDEUtils Debugger DeskTop DeviceFS DHCP DHCPClient DiagnosticDump DiallerB DisplayManager DMAManager DOSFS DragAnObject DragASprite Draw DrawChart DrawFile DWCDriver DynamicAreas Econet EHCIDriver ELFLoader EnsureLine EtherCPSW EtherGENET EtherK EtherS EtherUSB EtherX EvaluateExpression FileCore FileInfo Filer FilerSWIs Filer_Action FileSwitch FileTypes FileWatch FilterManager FontDbox FontManager FontMap FontMenu FPEmulator Free Freeway FreewayHosts FrontPanel FSCommands FSLock GameModes GC320Video GDivider GPIO HardCopy HardCopyFX HardCopyMX HardCopyRX Help Hourglass HTTP Iconbar IconBorderPlain IconBorderRound IconHigh IDEFS IDEFSFiler IDEFSFilerResources IDEFSSimtecSupport IIC ImageFileConvert ImageFileGadget ImageFileRender ImageFileRender_Artworks InetConfigure InetServices Interlace International InternationalKeyboard Internet InternetA InternetTime InverseTable IR IRQ IRQUtils IRRemote ISPcapture Joystick Keyboard KeyInput LanManFS LED LegacyBBC LegacyScreen LibraryHelp Locale MakePSFont MbufManager MemInfo Menu Messages MessageTrans MimeMap ModeFiles Modem ModuleCommands Mouse MPEGAudio MPEGControl MPEGVideo MUSBDriver NCBBnvram NCConfig NCDialCtrl NCDialUI NCFiler NCMALite NCOptions NCRegistry NCRegistrySpprt Net NetFiler NetFS NetI NetPrint NetStatus NetTime NetUtils NFS NFSSTB NHTwitter NVidia NVRAM NVRAMHW Obey OHCIDriver OMAPVideo OSCommands OSPointer OSSWIs OSVersion OwnerBanner PaletteUtil PandoraKey ParallelDeviceDriver ParallelJoystick PassFilter PathUtils PCCardFS PCCardFSFiler PCI PCMCIAHWDriver PCMCIAManager PCPS2Driver PDriver PDriverDP PDriverPS PDumper24 PDumperCX PDumperDM PDumperE2 PDumperIW PDumperLe PDumperLJ PDumperSupport Percussion Pinboard PipeFS PNG Podule Portable PortManager PowerOn PPP PPrimer PrintDbox PrinterBuffer Printers ProgInfo ProtoUKey ProtoUMouse PS2Driver RamFS RAMFSFiler RCMMDriver ReadLine RedrawManager RemotePrinterMessages RemotePrinterSupport ReplaySupport Resolver ResourceFiler ResourceFS ROMFonts RouterDiscovery RSSSupport RTC RTCAdjust RTCHW RTSupport SATADriver SaveAs Scale SCInterface ScreenBlanker ScreenFade ScreenModes ScrSaver SCSIdriver SCSIFiler SCSIFS SCSISoftUSB SCTransport SDCMOS SDFS SDFSFiler SDIODriver Serial SerialDeviceDriver SerialDeviceSupport SerialMouse SharedCLibrary SharedSound ShareFS ShellCLI ShrinkWrap SoakTest SoundChannels SoundControl SoundDMA SoundFile SoundFileExtMSADPCM SoundInput SoundScheduler SpriteExtend SpriteUtils Squash Standby STBPrint STBState StringLib SuperSample SysInfo SysLog SystemDevices SystemVars TaskManager TaskModule TaskWindow TerritoryManager TestStart TextGadgets TimerManager TinyStubs ToolAction Toolbox TransientUtility UK UniqueID UnSqueezeAIF USA USBDriver UserInactivity UtilityModule VCHIQ VFPSupport VIDC20Video VideoGuard VideoHWSMI VideoHWVF VideoHWVIDC VideoServices VideoSW VideoTTX WaveSynth WebFTP WebGopher WimpResources Window WindowManager WindowScroll WindowUtils XHCIDriver ZeroConf Zipper ZLib
Note: Modules of the same version number and date that have more than one entry differ at the binary level.